Dude, that was awesome! Where did you get those kick ass sound effects???? You gotta tell me.!!!!
I gave you a big assed 5 man, good work
Dude, that was awesome! Where did you get those kick ass sound effects???? You gotta tell me.!!!!
I gave you a big assed 5 man, good work
thanks! I used a software to record sounds from movies,... T*tal R*cord*r :) And an open-source one to edit the sfx: A*dacity.
Haahaha. Wow that actually entertained me, good work, it must be one of those days i spose.
oh wow how exciting NOT!!!!
Dude, if wanted to see a few blue triangles floating around the screen, I would have turned the T.V. on play-school.
Nice work, i beilve you could do better though. A bit short but it's all good! lol
Well done
Dude that was funnny, I think you could make this into a really good film tho, so work on it a lil bit more and I'll be waiting for Intermission 2 lol. Nice work
Beautiful simply Beautiful
Words cannot explain how good this film is.
Polska was here Polska#6940
Haha , no way.
Australia, N.S.W.
Joined on 2/8/05